

virtue signalling


: I was listening to radio when I was cooking but it made me irritated quite a bit. Listening to these endless debates makes me tired sometimes.

赤ペン先生: Why don't you stop listening? Why don't you listen to something else? Not political things. 

: You are absolutely right. 
赤ペン先生: Easy. I solved your problem!
: I was trying to educate myself and be aware of what is happening to the world but I've started feeling what a 面倒臭い world we are living in now. Especially woke subjects. The radio show was talking about the Naomi Osaka drama and Anne Boleyn played by a black actress. I do feel kinda wierd that a black actress plays Anne Boleyn but woke people may say "why not?" There is always a trend like BLM and if I am not following that trend I am a bad person.
赤ペン先生: I taught you before the phrase "Virtue signalling"Virtue signaling is the act of speaking or behaving in a way that's meant to demonstrate one's good moral values. 

I told you that my company sent email to employees asking if any of us are upset by the George Floyd Trial.  Are we getting so sensitive for everything?

: I guess the younger generations are. Did you hear that "ladies and gentlemen" is a no-no nowadays? 
赤ペン先生: Whaaaat? Seriously? Do we have to say "ladies and gentlemen and LGBTQ plus people" or something? Do we have to be so careful about everything for those sensitive people?
: I know right? It's crazy but I guess some people are offended by that phrase. Seems like more people are getting very sensitive. I am not against some stuff they are urging about but some woke people are just too much. Over the top. I feel like we are becoming grumpy old people.

赤ペン先生: We already are.






Meditation app "Calm" が彼女の罰金を肩代わりすると表明したそうで、こう言う事を "Virtue Signalling" と言うのでしょうか?

赤ペン先生: Ummm if that's the case you can't say "virtue signalling" because that company is already legitimately supporting the mental health. If someone who didn't care about mental health issues says "I support Naomi Osaka," just to follow the trend, that's called "virtue signalling".


Meditation app "Calm" についての以前のブログはこちら💁🏻‍♀️ お気に入りの俳優さんの声を聞きながら眠りにつくシアワセ😍😴 - ペリカン英語日記


そして次の話題は、British television network Channel 5TV mini-series drama "Anne Boleyn"Anne Boleyn 役に、黒人俳優 Jodie Turner-Smith 氏を採用した事について議論が繰り広げられていました。


ラジオでは「衣装やセットはその当時の様に再現するのに、何故 Anne Boleyn を黒人俳優にするのか?」と指摘していて、そりゃそうだわ〜と思って聞いていました。

"Bridgerton" も有色人種の俳優さん達が数人メインの役所で出ていましたが、アレは fiction



"Bridgerton" についての以前のブログはこちら💁🏻‍♀️ Reference を知らないと分からない表現 - ペリカン英語日記]


Anne Boleyn のドラマは non-fiction なので、私的には Anne Boleyn も他の登場人物も実物の方達に似せる努力をして欲しいです。

歴史知らない人が観たら、King Henry VIII は黒人女性と結婚したんだ〜って勘違いしちゃうんじゃないでしょうか?

このドラマ、Anne Boleyn が黒人さんって事は、両親や姉 Mary も黒人さん?じゃないと、それまたおかしくないですか?


不思議な配役と言えば、数年前に旦那様の家族と共に Shakespeare's Glove Theatre"As You Like It" を観劇した時の事。


観劇直前、せめてあらすじを勉強しとこうと、Wikipedia を調べるも、日本語でも何だか色々複雑で頭に入らない😱。









話が横道に外れてしまいましたが、世の中が良い方向へ変わっていく事は大変良い事なんですが、そのもっていき方が押し付けっぽかったり、偽善ぽかったり、woke なのも嫌だし…ラジオの議論を聞いててもモヤモヤモヤモヤする事がたまにある今日この頃であります。


Woke についての以前のブログはこちら💁🏻‍♀️ cancel culture と political correctness と woke - ペリカン英語日記