


  • blow/knock someone's socks off

It means to impress someone favorably, to surprise someone in a positive manner, overwhelm, or excite one. 



その後、audiobook "I Owe You One" by Sophie Kinsella を聞いている時にも出てきました。


主人公(妹)が予想外に頑張って売り上げに貢献してくれた兄と姉に対して They blew my socks offとか言ってた様な。


  • blood on one's hand

Hope you know who gets his comeuppance. - ペリカン英語日記 を書いていた時の会話。

: I think T is totally guilty not only for inciting rioting mobs to attack the capitol but also for not taking the Covid-19 pandemic situation seriously and letting so many people die. 

赤ペン先生: Yes. He has blood on his hands. It means he is responsible for all the deaths. 

If you say that someone has a person's blood on their hands, you mean that they are responsible for that person's death.
                                                Collins Dictionary 


  • tongue in cheek


Reference を知らないと分からない表現 - ペリカン英語日記 


赤ペン先生: What do you want to watch tonight?

: Well, since our daughter is here I guess it will be whatever she wants to watch. I prefer something light and funny like "This Country". It's not easy for me to understand some of the humor but I like that show. But I don't think she wants to watch that. 
赤ペン先生: That show is tongue in cheek. Tongue in cheek means joking but with a serious expression.



"This Country" は、イギリスの mockumentary sitcom で、Cotswolds の小さな村の日常を描いたドラマ。



私達夫婦の夕食のお供の飲み物 Gin & Tonic


とは言え、gin を割る tonic water って安くはないので、ケチケチ主婦(&こだわり超少ない夫)は、炭酸水+ Robinsons Squash'd (cordial)gin を割っています。

2人で2回飲める、ちゃんとした tonic water は500㎖で約250円。

一方、炭酸水は2ℓで約70円で、20杯分飲める Robinsons Squash'd は約450円ですが、これだと2人で8回は飲めます。




赤ペン先生: Can we have beer tonight? 
: I'm sorry we can't. We need to finish the sparking water otherwise...How can I say 気が抜ける in English?

赤ペン先生: Flat. The sparking water goes flat.

flat は他にも沢山意味がありますが、Bondai Vet を観ている時には、具合の悪い tasmanian devil の赤ちゃんの事を They are really flat.(元気/活気がない)と言ってました。