

He found his calling. No. He found his SECOND calling.😃

Olive and Mabel: One man and his dogs | Sunday Times Magazine - YouTube

: Oh, look. More news about Olive and Mabel's dad.

赤ペン先生: What is that? 
: Olive and Mabel's dad, Mr. Andrew Cotter, is gonna start writing a column about dogs in The Sunday Times every month.

赤ペン先生: Wow. He's found his calling. This is another idiom that you can write about for your blog. 
: So what does it mean? 
赤ペン先生: Why don't you figure out? 
: Umm... Talent? 
赤ペン先生: Close. It means you found the purpose of your life that uses your skill the best. In my case XXX is my calling.

: It has to be a career?

赤ペン先生: Yes. It's the true mission of your life.

: Lucky you that you were able to find your calling. Nothing is calling me... I haven't found my calling yet and I don't know if I ever will ...😞

赤ペン先生: Your calling is taking good care of us then. It's not an easy job. Motherhood is the oldest profession... Wait...no... (checking the website) Motherhood is the second oldest profession
: I've never heard of that expression before. 
赤ペン先生: Can you guess the first oldest profession? 
: Umm... Is it related to the religion?
赤ペン先生: Yes. I think you won't like the answer. 
: Is it related to it being a man's world? Hope it's not fatherhood.

赤ペン先生: Prostitution. 

: Whaaaaat?! Prostitution?! Seriously?! Prostitution is the oldest profession? Now I doubt if the expression "motherhood is the second oldest profession" is good.🤨 

赤ペン先生: It's related to religion but it's hard to explain.

: Anyway you said that Mr. Andrew Cotter found his calling but he already found his calling as a sports commentator. Man. Now he found his second calling

ロックダウンが始まってから、私達も含めて沢山の人達を癒やし、笑わせてくれているラブラドールレトリバーOlive and Mabel

私は新しいビデオが YouTube に上がると必ず観ては、ほのぼの気分になってます。

Olive & Mabel の飼い主 Andrew Cotter さんは、Scottish sports broadcaster なんですが、彼の声もなかなか癒し系。


Andrew さん、ロックダウン中に解説するスポーツがどれも中止になってしまった為、愛犬の Olive & Mabel の様子を解説する事に。




Olive and Mabel - YouTube



(左の黒ラブさんが Olive で、右が Mabel 。カワイイ🥰。)

Andrew さん、人気に火が付き、本を出版するにまで至っているのですが、今度は The Sunday Times にコラムを担当するとの事。


He found his calling. 



既にプロの sports broadcaster なのに、またまた次の天職を見つけちゃうなんて、羨ましい…。



Motherhood is the second oldest profession. 
これはイディオムなのか良く分からないのですが、Erma Bombeck 氏著書 "Motherhood: The Second Oldest Profession" の本が元になっています。


この本の題名は、the Book of Joshua (ヘブライ語聖書、ヨシュア記)の中に "prostitution is the world's oldest profession" と記されているところから来ています。



では、この "Motherhood is the second oldest profession." をどんな時にどんな風に使うのか

赤ペン先生に聞いたのですが、「Umm... Good question. Actually I don't know.」との回答でした😬。



