


Former Second Lady of the United States & soon-to-be First Lady of the United States Mrs. Jill Biden ですが、この方の経歴を知ったのは本当にごく最近の事。

再婚相手の president-elect of the United States Mr. Joe Biden との間に授った子供を妊娠中も高校教師を続け、81年に出産。





そんな Mrs. Jill Biden に関するこんな記事が気になりました。

「ジル・バイデンに『博士』いらない」と主張した記事に批判殺到。「性差別的で恥ずべきこと」陣営ら抗議(ハフポスト日本版) - Yahoo!ニュース


Is There a Doctor in the White House? Not if You Need an M.D. - WSJ

: I just read a Wall Street Journal article about Mrs. Jill Biden. The guy who wrote this article is saying that she shouldn't call herself 'doctor'. But you can call yourself doctor if you get Ph.D. right? 

赤ペン先生: Yes, you can. If you are a medical doctor, you usually use M.D. as a title. Ph.D. means Doctor of Philosophy. Even though it's called 'philosophy' it doesn't mean actual 'philosophy' and it covers the whole range of academic fields. What kind of Ph.D. did Jill Biden get? 
: She got a Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) at age 55. That's amazing, isn't it? The guy who wrote this article, Mr. Joseph Epstein, says that he taught at Northwestern University for 30 years without a doctorate or any advanced degree. He has only a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in absentia from the University of Chicago. Umm.. Sounds like he is just a cranky old man who couldn't get a Ph.D. and is holding a grudge about it.

赤ペン先生: He has a chip on his shoulder. He sounds like he is angry and jealous because he couldn't get a Ph.D.

If he is saying that only to her, it 's not fair. He should tell everyone who calls themselves doctor with a Ph.D. Seems like he is picking on Jill Biden.
: So your father could call himself doctor.

赤ペン先生: He didn't want to use that title because he felt it's kind of pretentious. But it depends on the individual. Some like Jill Biden want to be called 'doctor' and nothing is wrong with it. 
There is an honorary doctorate. Can you believe that even Bill Cosby who is a sex offender got an honorary doctorate. I think that's kind of wrong and those who got that definitely shouldn't use the 'doctor' title.

タイトルに『性差別的』とはありましたが、私にはその部分は感じられず、博士号を得られなかった Joseph Epstein 氏のただのやっかみにしか感じられませんでした。



お父さん方の家族には、Doctor ( Doctor of Philosophy の方)と名乗れる方がお父さんも含め4人、お母さん方の家族には1人、計5人もいます。

父方の従兄に限っては夫婦揃って Doctor で、しっかりその肩書を名乗ってます。

彼らの return address label なんて、わざわざ "Dr. XX (husband) and Dr. YY (wife)" になってて、ちょっと自慢臭ムンムンで、ウザッて感じです。

Epstein 氏にしてみたら、そんな彼らにも「医者でもないのに Doctor を名乗ってんじゃね〜よッ!」って言ってやりたいんでしょうね。

義父さんの様に謙虚に Dr. を使わない方もいれば、従兄の様にひけらかしたい気満々で Dr. を使う方もいる。



ま〜でも、全く知らない人が Doctor の肩書を持っていたら、『どっち?医者の方?じゃない方?』って思うのは確か。


"Friends" でも、その Doctor ネタで、Ross がちょくちょく言われてます😂。



赤ペン先生: You can also say he (Mr. Epstein) has an axe to grind. It means to have a strong personal opinion about something and you are eager to argue with  anyone who disagrees with you.




Jill Biden 氏も然り。

First Lady になってから、どんな事をしてくれるか期待したいと思います。