

Are you having FOMO? (FYI, AFAIK, I think I don’t.)



赤ペン先生: Do you know what "FOMO" means?

: FOMO...🤔? F... F... F... Ummm... I don't know. 
赤ペン先生: It means "Fear Of Missing Out". For example you know I am checking the whisky shop websites all the time right? I just found the good deal but I promised you not to buy any more. So even though I really want it now with that good price, I won't buy it. And I am 
afraid the price will go up later on. It's right there and I am missing out. 

Seems like this acronym is slightly new. It's more likely used for social media.
: I see. Everybody is doing or talking about it and if you are not, you feel like being left out and "oh my god. I have to do it!" like that. I though you were talking about the group. Are they a group? They are not the band right? FLMOA or something like that. You know what I am talking about right?

赤ペン先生: I know but you are so wrong. It's LMFAO.

: That's the one. ML...

赤ペン先生: Wrong!! LMFAO! LMFAO!

: L...M...FAO... Grrr... 🤪🤪 It's like a tongue twister.

赤ペン先生: Do you know what it means?

: Laughing... Mother... Fxxxing...

赤ペン先生: Close. Laughing My Fxxxing Ass Off. Like Whahahahaha!!!!🤣🤣🤣 


👆101 Social Media Acronyms and Abbreviations for Marketers
から(沢山 Social media acronyms の説明があって面白いサイトでした。)




: Do you know what "YDK" means?

赤ペン先生: Umm... You Don't Know?

: Wow! That's great! But no. It's "やれば出来る子". やれば出来る子YDK!

赤ペン先生: Whaaaat?! Not fair! 英語ちゃうやん!🤣 Ok. What about "AFAIK"?

: A...F... "As Far As I Know"!

赤ペン先生: Oh wow. Good job.


abbreviation って単語は知らなかったのですが、acronym との違いがイマイチちょっと分からないです。




TGIF (Thank goodness/God It's Friday) じゃん!
