

アメリカ🇺🇸VS中国🇨🇳の “Tit for tat” 合戦始まるのか⁈🤔

古いニュースなんですが、先週、こんな Breaking News がありました。

: Did you hear about that the US government decided to close the Chinese consulate in Houston Texas? 

赤ペン先生: No I didn't. What it the reason to do so? 
: Seems like the US government thinks China is spying on them. But we all know that China won't be quiet about it. Surely they will take revenge on it. 
赤ペン先生: Tit for tat. This tit doesn't mean women's breast.😬 "Tit for tat"means equivalent retaliation. It has to be the same level so just because the US closed the Chinese consulate, China can't start bombing the US.  


Tit for tat なんて可愛らしい響きですが、『仕返し、報復、しっぺ返し、腹いせ』なんて意味なんですね😬。



👆Thesaurus.plus - Online Thesaurus Dictionary of the English language のサイトでは、Tit for tat の同意語が幾つか紹介されています。

あれ〜、quid pro quo もそうなの🤔。

去年、米国🇺🇸のあるお偉いさんのウクライナ🇺🇦疑惑の際に何度も耳にした、この『見返り』と言う意味の quid pro quo。


: Some website says that quid pro quo is the same meaning of tit for tat. But I thought quid pro quo means 見返り not 仕返し. Do you use quid pro quo as the meaning of revenge?

赤ペン先生: Hmm... I don't think so. Quid pro quo means a favor in return for something. 

Quid pro quo ("something for something" in Latin) is a Latin phrase used in English to mean an exchange of goods or services, in which one transfer is contingent upon the other; "a favor for a favor". Phrases with similar meanings include: "give and take", "tit for tat", "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours", and "one hand washes the other". Other languages use other phrases for the same purpose.
                                      Wikipedia より










