

A penny saved is a penny earned.






(英語本の)読書がどうしても億劫になってしまう私は😅、どうしても YouTubeNetflix にいっちゃうんですよね。



最近、パーソナルトレーナーさんから Netflix original TV series "Instant HotelInstant Hotel | Netflix Official Site をススメられました。

PT: Did you ever watch "Instant Hotel"? It is on Netflix

Me: No, I didn't. I've never heard of that show.
PT: I recently watched it and enjoyed it. If you like to see somebody's houses, you may like this show.

Me: Oh I love to see houses! I used to watch "HGTV" all the time! Who doesn't like to peek at someone's properties? 
PT: The show is set in Australia and individual homeowners like Air B&B compete with each other for the best instant hotel. These properties are real so you can actually stay there. The judge also gives tips to contestants on how to improve their houses as a hotel.

Me: Sounds interesting. It must be a good advertisement for those contestants to have future guests. I'll definitely try to watch it.
PT: Since we can't travel anywhere right now you can enjoy the beautiful scenery in Australia too. 
Me: That's great! 





Aussie accent も楽しませて頂きました。









赤ペン先生: Are you still watching that show? 
: I finished watching the whole thing but I am trying to find the specific scene. Someone said "a penny saved is a penny earned." and I need to know the context for it. But I can't find it. I gave up! Do you know the Japanese phrase for it?

赤ペン先生: 塵も積もれば山となる

: I see... I thought " 一銭を笑う者は一銭で泣く". Do you know this phrase? 
赤ペン先生: No, I don't. I've never heard of it.
: It means if you disregard even such a small amount of money like one penny, you would be in trouble with that amount of money in the future which tells you not to disregard any amount of money even if that amount is very small. 







赤ペン先生に聞いてみると、"A penny saved is a penny earned." は、お金に関してにしか使わないそうです。

("Instant Hotel" でこのイディオムが出て来た時も、賞金の話の流れで出て来てたような…。)


普段の私は、"A penny saved is a penny earned." 精神で、買いたい物を我慢する事も多いのですが、少しでも経済回す為にちょっと色々買っちゃったりしようかなぁ〜なんてね😄。