

You are a lady flower!! 🤣🤣


「家から出られないとなると、やる事も限られるし、貴女との reading lesson は是非このまま続けたいわ。」と言ってくれた Jasmin 😃。


そんな訳なので、今までは Jasmin のお家に伺ってやっていた "To Kill a Mockingbird" reading lesson 、ロックダウン中は電話で続ける事になりました。



Jasmin にお薦めした Virtual Pub Quiz

先週あったその Pub Quiz に彼女も旦那さんと参加するも、どうも主催者の Quiz master の男性が気に入らなくて、途中で止めたとのメールを貰っていました。


Me: We did the virtual pub quiz last night again. We are totally fine with that guy. Why didn't you like the quiz master? 
Jasmin: We couldn't stand him! He is a twit! We don't like him at all! Oh you know what twit is right?

Me: Did you say "twat"
Jasmin: Nooo!! That's a rude word! I said "twit"! "Twit" means idiot or silly.

Me: I have never heard of it but I hear "twat" in dramas or movies.
Jasmin: Twat" is "lady flower". "Fanny". 
Me: Lady flower? 
Jasmin: It is a euphemism for vagina. 
Me: I didn't know that's what it actually means. And what is euphemism?

Jasmin: Euphemism is a gentle expression when you don't want to say the exact word. So it's more ladylike to say some certain things.

Me: Aren't they both swear words?

Jasmin: "Twit" is a mild insult and "Twat" is a serious insult.

Me: I see. So since I am a mature lady, when I want to insult someone, instead of saying "you are a twat," I should say "you are a lady flower." by using euphemism for that swear word. 😂

Jasmin: That's so funny! 🤣🤣





How dare you use femal sacred body part as a swear word? 
と思ったのですが、よく考えてみたら男性バージョン D-word swear word があるね〜と😆。

Well, fair enough. We are even then.
That's good.😄

