

“To Kill a Mockingbird” を読み始めました!

"To Kill a Mockingbird" を読み始めました。






Me: I started reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" but it wasn't easy to understand the first several pages so I kept reading the same pages over and over.😓 

Some parts are confusing to me. 

Jasmin: It is not an easy book to read. 
Me: I know the main character is telling this story but why does she call her father by his name? 
And when she started talking about some event, she started talking about something else to explain what caused that event. That made me confused too.
Jasmin: Why don't I teach you how to read? I can help you!

Me: Are you serious? That would be great! But I feel bad about using your time for my sake. 

Jasmin: I would love to! You know I like teaching. You can come to my house once a week and we can read it together. Let's do it! It will be fun!

Me: Now I am nervous...😬 Please don't raise your bar high. I may not be as good as you think so I don't want to disappoint or irritate you.

Jasmin: Don't worry. I can handle it.😊


と言う事で、優しい Jasmin が先生になってくれる事になりました😃。


